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For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Earnest Pettie, and I’ve worked in the viral web for over 15 years. I currently lead trends research at YouTube on the Culture and Trends team. This site is my “Rough Draft,” where I am writing weekly mini essays on the internet and culture. The goal is to just get things out of my head instead of letting them die a slow death, waiting to be perfected.

I’d like to send you these posts in a newsletter for a few reasons. Because these are new and emerging ideas, I’d love feedback from other people who are interested in the internet and culture. I don’t want those conversations to be mediated through social media platforms. In the long run, I’d love to develop a community of like-minded trends folks.

This newsletter will be:

  • Free, always.
  • Weekly, mostly.
  • About the internet and culture, primarily.

If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please subscribe!

Previously on “Rough Draft”

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